I do remember that I got this mini-clipboard at AC Moore. And speaking of AC Moore, not only am I in a state of depression with school starting back.....but my AC Moore CLOSED! I am so bummed!!!! The bad thing is that they built a new store and weren't even open for a year....I was in there one day about three or four weeks ago and the girl at the register said they'd just found out THAT DAY that they were closing down on August 1st. How's that for notice?! And they did. I felt terrible for those folks that worked there, I thought that was pretty crappy for AC Moore to do to them. And I'm sad they are gone, and also surprised that I alone didn't provide enough "economic stimulation" to keep them afloat! But I digress....back to the mini-clipboard....

I also worked all day Saturday on a project for The Insider at Digi Shop Talk. I mentioned awhile back that I'm now the Hybrid Editor for The Insider and part of my job is to find hybrid artists to feature and have them write a tutorial each month for the publication. Shannon (the owner) suggested that I do the tutorial for next month's issue (September) so I gladly accepted. I'm not going to post my project because I want to wait for it to be featured next month, but I loved how it turned out!!! I'll give a hint, its a "back to school" project.