Can't believe its October already! I haven't had time to do a lot of crafty things lately but have one project to share. It's a mini-album for My Creative Scrapbook. This is for the October Album Kit. Making this really put me in the fall spirit (even here in South Florida - lol).

Because I have been so behind in posting lately, I have several people to thank for nominating me for awards and such. I know I am late in doing this so I apologize!! Thank you to:
I've got another little project I finished up last night and want to post but I've been really sick this week and honestly don't have the energy to take the photos and do it now. I had a fever/cold symptoms for a few days and then it moved to my lungs and I feel AWFUL. I hate being sick (don't we all?) so I HOPE this week it'll leave so I can get back to normal life. I'll come back soon to post more!
Hope you have a GREAT week!